Life in the Fast Lane

Swimming is a highly competitive sport where hundredths of a second can mean the difference between winning and losing. So it is unsurprising that swimmers want sportswear and accessories which allow them to swim at their fastest without losing time due to inadequate clothing causing drag in the water.

Mizuno sportswear for competitive swimming is designed to act like a second skin. Containing Xtra Life Lycra, the swimsuit provides elasticity yet holds the body tightly. The GXII ½ suit, designed to cover most of the body, holds the swimmer tightly allowing them to shave valuable seconds off their time. Accessories such as swimming hats also keep hair and goggle straps from dragging in the water.

No matter how hard a swimmer trains in the pool, they will always have to supplement their swimming with exercise outside of the pool. Strength training and extra conditioning is needed for a swimmer to get optimal fitness and performance in the pool.

Working out in the gym with cardio and weights is a great way help build it as well as running and cycling. Staying injury free is the main concern for professionals so choosing Mizuno trainers to wear whilst running and training will not only help keep them free from injury but will also help to build muscles in the legs and feet due to the slim soles of the shoes. This is keep the feet in as natural position as possible and allow the feet to move freely and disperses the impact therefore avoiding injury.

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