Creating That First Mosaic

One of the most unique and unexpected crafts is to work with mosaic tiles. This age-old art form can lead to some strikingly different design features around the home or even as a completely separate ornamental piece. The basics of working with mosaic craft tiles is fairly simple and it can be fun to simply experiment.

A project that is not designed to come into contact with water is particularly easy and it all begins with choosing a mosaic tile suppliers. They will have a variety of mosaics to choose from and some information sources. When the tiles arrive, all that is required is to draw an outline of the chosen design. It only has to be simple, remember, although there are different sizes of tiles which can lead to more intricate designs. The guide outline should reflect this.

It is important to then begin practising laying out the tiles to get an idea of how the colours work together. There has to be a gap between each mosaic tile of 2 or 3 millimetres, so it is important to bear this in mind. Once a design has been formalised, the tiles can then be stuck to the support with the glue. The glue should be given 24 hours to set before the grouting can be started. For those using a fibre glass mesh in order to create a more complicated design, the mesh should overlay the design as each piece is glued down. The mesh and tiles can then be stuck to the support together.

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