The accessories and shop fittings chosen for a retail store have a huge impact on retail sales and customer satisfaction. The type and quality of fittings and accessories will create a lasting impression with customers and could ultimately affect sales levels. One area which is often overlooked is the carrier bags which are provided at each sale. When a retailer purchases wholesale plastic carrier bags, they have to consider more than the cost.
The type of carrier bag will depend on a range of factors, including the store type, the merchandise sold and the message a retailer wants to send out to the public. For instance, a store which promotes the use of natural, environmentally friendly products will want to provide paper carrier bags, made from recycled paper with a message encouraging reuse. The type of carrier bag provided will create an impression which will be associated with the store. An expensive lingerie store will be expected to wrap garments in tissue paper and provide a high quality carrier bag to allow customers to carry purchases home. A store which sells cheaper goods or novelty items will be able to provide plain white or coloured carrier bags.
Although keeping costs low is crucial for any business, the marketing aspect has to be considered when a retail business decides it’s time to buy plastic carrier bags or any other type. A reputable supplier will be able to provide good quality carrier bags at a reasonable cost, allowing a shop to create the best impression for its customers.