Does Your Bikini Fit Properly?

Most women know how important it is to wear a well-fitting bra. A good bra can help women feel more comfortable and confident, and can help prevent back and shoulder pain. However, when it comes to bikinis, the bra fitting rules seem to go out of the window. A bikini should have the same role as most other women’s lingerie; to cover and support the bust while helping women feel good about their bodies. Here are some reasons why a bikini may not fit properly:

Once Size Fits All Cups

Most high street shops sell bikinis in regular clothes sizes (10, 12, 14 etc.). This assumes that all women who wear the same dress size also have the same bra size! A bikini that is sized this way is not going to offer the bust any support at all, and is likely to rub and nip in awkward places in larger busted ladies. Look for bikinis that come in proper bra sizes to find one that fits properly.

Back Band Too Big

Because of the ‘one size fits all problem’, many women will buy a bikini in a larger size in order to get cups that are large enough. However, they are likely to have a back band that is far too large. In bras, most of the support comes from the band, and the same can be said for bikinis. A loose band won’t support the bust at all! It’s best to get a bikini that feels slightly firmer than a regular bra as they can sometimes stretch slightly in the water.

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