Switching from Fixed Route Planning to Daily Scheduling could Save British Businesses

The results of a recent think tank has suggested that companies who move from the existing haulage system of fixed route planning to a more flexible daily scheduling could save them significant costs on vehicles, fuel costs and emissions.

Of course, for many companies the main purpose of their logistics is to be fast and impressive to their customers. However, as many haulage firms pass their costs directly onto their customers, there is every need for haulage companies to keep costs as minimal as possible – and it is in the best interests of the businesses they serve for them to be able to do so.

Therefore, seeing evidence that switching from one system to a more dynamic and modern daily route planning which takes into account traffic volume, specific times and other road factors such as accidents and road works, haulage companies such as www.chrisbennet.co.uk could make significant savings on their mileage, their fuel costs and their carbon emissions.

Of course, the reason for cutting the costs of fuel are simple: with fuel prices on the rise – not to mention road tax, insurance and other costs – these costs must be borne by the customer. However, the reasons for cutting emissions and mileage are less obvious but still vitally important.

Each company working in the UK has a responsibility to reduce their carbon emissions and by cutting the amount of miles that a haulage company undertakes, the amount of emissions they make could also be undercut.

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